Finishing touches ...

In my earlier post, I had mentioned about the half-baked work on Residency Road - but today, the half-baked stuff was nearing completion, with the BDA working on filling the rest of the 50% of the road. - IS BDA so proactive reading my blog? - just kidding - I think the BDA had to go a long way to peep into others blogs and get what the people wonder and think about. - Think just a mere coincidence of when I put down my thoughts and when the BDA had started working on the rest of it....

I wish the Indian organisations - either private / public, when in the service sector, should start to inculcate what their customers want and what their customers think - this would be a very asset to the organisation - see how the private companies who are very proactive - consider how important blogs are and how important their organisations can be directed from the voices of their employees, their customers - and the stake holders of the company / organisation.


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